Tim Coopmans

Assistant professor in quantum computing

My research: I design algorithms and software* to help develop quantum computers.

*for conventional computers

More specifically, I work on: Also see "Designing the quantum future on a regular computer".

I am an Assistant Professor at Delft University of Technology and QuTech, interested in analysing and optimising (a blueprint of) quantum computers.

Before, I was a postdoc at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, and as part of the Applied Quantum Algorithms groups, with Alfons Laarman. I obtained a PhD from QuTech, under supervision of David Elkouss and Stephanie Wehner.

Selected publications

For all (pre-)publications see the arXiv or Google Scholar.

A Knowledge Compilation Map for Quantum Information (2024)
L. Vinkhuijzen, T. Coopmans, A. Laarman,
ArXiv preprint

LIMDD: a decision diagram for simulation of quantum computing including stabilizer states (2021)
L. Vinkhuijzen*, T. Coopmans*, D. Elkouss, V. Dunjko and A. Laarman
Published: Quantum
(ArXiv preprint)

NetSquid, a discrete-event simulation platform for quantum networks (2021)
T. Coopmans*, R. Knegjens*, A. Dahlberg, D. Maier, L. Nijsten, J. de Oliveira Filho, M. Papendrecht, J. Rabbie, F. Rozpędek, M. Skrzypczyk, L. Wubben, W. de Jong, D. Podareanu, A. Torres Knoop, D. Elkouss, S. Wehner
Published: Nature Communications Physics (Editor’s Highlight)
(ArXiv preprint)

Improved analytical bounds on delivery times of long-distance entanglement (2022)
T. Coopmans, S. Brand and D. Elkouss
Published: Physical Review A (Editor's Suggestion)
(Arxiv preprint)

* Equally-contributing authors.


NWO Veni (2023) (NWO news)

National Growth Fund Quantum Technology Programme (2022) (NWO news)

Leiden University Fund (2022) (LUF news)

ASML Technology Scholarship (2016)